Selling delicious, fresh fruit from Black Bear Orchards is a unique and easy way to generate funds for many organizations, charities, and individuals. Our dedication to quality results in a very high level of satisfaction among our consumers.
Fundraiser groups and individuals who wish to get involved in selling our peaches will typically contact potential customers and take pre-orders for the season. Then, they contact us with their desired quantity and delivery date. We can confirm orders once the danger of freezing temperatures has passed and the condition of our crop is known, around May 15th each year. Once we verify the availability and logistics of the order, we contact our customers to confirm. We stay in contact with our customers every step of the way.
- Our peaches are easy to sell. They are far different from nearly any store bought peach because they are field packed and tree ripe. Field packing enables us to pick the fruit at peak ripeness. Field packing is in stark contrast to shed packing; shed packing, or line packing, needs peaches that are very durable. Shed packed peaches are picked greener so that they can make it through large bins and over sorting equipment without being bruised. Beware of other farms claiming they pick their peaches tree ripe! Just one taste of our fruit is all it takes to keep people coming back for more year after year. Fundraiser groups have found our fruit especially effective in generating money for their causes. Pre-selling the fruit eliminates waste and also makes the retail sales go smoother.
- We have a fairly substantial customer base that sells our peaches for individual profit. These individuals also find success based on the quality and flavor of the fruit we grow. Most individuals market the peaches and cherries through neighborhood orders, newspaper advertising, and business associations.
- Food markets have found our fruit to be especially appealing because the quality and flavor is so much better than what is typically available.
While it is our goal to serve the needs of each potential and current customer, we have found it difficult over the years to keep up with demand for the fruit we produce. Unfortunately, we are sometimes unable to fill an order because of the limited availability of our peaches and cherries.